How Urban Company asserts algorithmic control over its workers to cut costs ahead of IPO — Mint
How this food delivery app in India takes away its workers health insurance when quotas are not met — Rest of World
The rise and fall of Koo, India’s once-thriving Twitter alternative — Rest of World
This election Indian voters are being bombarded with millions of deepfakes. Political candidates approve. WIRED
How a secret BJP war room mobilized female voters to win the Indian elections — WIRED
What America can learn from India’s war on TikTok — Unherd
Social media influencers are the new campaigners for Indian politicians — Context
How Apple finally cracked the India market — Fortune US
NREGA workers suffering tech imposition — Unherd
IITs leading tech success in India and globally — Rest of World
How Urban Company is pushing women out of work — WIRED
Vaccine database leak exposes IDs of millions — WIRED
Laid off visa holders have 60 days to find a job — Rest of World
Gig workers in India face assault on the job — WIRED
SVB collapse caused chaos in India’s tech sector — WIRED
India’s government wants total control of the internet — WIRED
Cyber ambassadors help fight online scams — WIRED
Meet the most powerful Uber driver in India — Rest of World
Uber’s facial recognition is locking drivers out — MIT Tech Review
Gig workers in India are uniting against algorithms — Rest of World
VPN providers flee India due to new law — WIRED
Low threshold for facial recognition in Delhi — WIRED
India’s answer to delivery startups — TIME
Why are Indian startup founders fleeing to Dubai? — Rest of World
India’s fight against robocall spam and scam — WIRED
India’s new super app has a privacy problem — WIRED
Delivery workers struggle to deliver groceries in 10 minutes — Al Jazeera
Startups are changing the way engineers are made in India — Rest of World
Funding winter descends on Indian startups — Al Jazeera
How healthcare workers in India fought surveillance and won — Coda Story
Anganwadi workers protest over an unfriendly mobile app — Mint
Automated cloud kitchens are being used for Indian food — Rest of World
The struggle to bring Tulu on to the Unicode — Rest of World
Covid-19 led to a rise in child marriages in India — Caravan
Aadhaar is eroding the rights of pregnant women in India — Coda Story
Indians crowdsourcing aid as Covid surged — MIT Tech Review
Indian government bets on a glitchy app for vaccination — MIT Tech Review
Loan apps in India are driving people to take their own lives — WIRED
How a police unit in Kerala is fighting CSAM — Rest of World
WhatsApp sues the Indian government over privacy concerns — WIRED
Internet slowdown in Kashmir is costing students their education — Rest of World
Indian developers race to make a TikTok clone — Rest of World
Creators become collateral damage in India’s TikTok ban — WIRED
How Hyderabad became the surveillance capital of India — Coda Story
Meet the rising starts of India’s video apps — Rest of World
How Radio Mirchi tapped into the nostalgia market in the US — The Juggernaut
The rise of Indian SaaS startups — The Juggernaut
Why Reliance Jio is the new hot international investment — The Juggernaut
The Hyderabad model of CCTV surveillance — Mint
For Kashmiri entrepreneurs slow internet is the new normal — The Juggernaut
Reliance is launching an online luxury portal in India — Vogue Business